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High Quality Vinyl Decals


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wrestling trash can, wrestling, trash can shot Wrestlemania, Wrestlecon, wwe, tna. gfw. roh, wrestling decal, wrestling sticker, thrash can, wrestling art, wrestling decals, Wrestling Gift, Wrestling Toys, Unique Gift, Thrash Can, Great Minds Revolution, Inc, Great Minds, Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Global Force Wrestling, Raw, Nxt, WWE Network, Cheap Shot Chair, Wrestling gift, wrestling preset

wrestling chair, wrestling decal, wrestling sticker, chair shot, chairshot, Wrestlemania, Wrestlecon, wrestling, wwe, tna. gfw. roh, cheap shot chair, wrestling art, wrestling stickers, Wrestling Gift, Wrestling Toys, Unique Gift, Thrash Can, Great Minds Revolution, Inc, Great Minds, Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Global Force Wrestling, Raw, Nxt, WWE Network, Thrash Can, Wrestling gift, wrestling preset

 6" x 4"



Thrash Can Lid

Cheap Shot Chair

Thrash Can

2" x 3"




“Hey, Stick It!”


Made of thick, durable vinyl with a UV laminate that

protects these decals from scratching, rain and sunlight

so you can ‘stick-em’ anywhere you want!



6" x 4" = $2.00 each  -or-  get the set: all 3 Designs for just $5.00

2" x 3" = $1.50 each  -or-  get the set: all 3 designs for only $3.50




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© 2023 Great Minds Revolution, Inc. –All Rights Reserved

Website: Great Minds Revolution, Inc.

wrestling, wwe, tna, impact, wrestling decals, wrestling sticker, wrestling chair, Cheap Shot Chair, wrestling trash can, thrash can, thrash can lid, Global Force Wrestling, WrestleCon, wrestling pool toy, wrestling toy, wrestlemania, wrestling toys, smackdown, roh, ring of honor, inflatable toy, raw, cheap shot chair, wrestling sporting goods, wrestling sporting good, gfw, ufc, mma, bellator, wrestling decals, wrestling stickers, Wrestling Art